The ability to solve problems is a crucial strength in everyday life. We all want our children to be exceptional problem solvers so that they can overcome any adversity that comes their way. Most parents start with the fundamentals when it comes to extracurricular activities for their children: soccer, dancing, and even band practise. Their first thought for amusing their elementary-schooler is probably not programming. Should it, though?

The notion of whether children should learn to code has spread like wildfire among parents’ groups and educational institutions in recent years. Every parent wants to provide their child with the best chance of future success while also assisting their educational growth during their early years.

Learning to code and programme is one approach to best prepare them for the future, get them ahead in school, or assist and enhance their current learning. Coding may provide more than simply educational and professional rewards. If your child learns to code, there is evidence that it will benefit them with other abilities such as organisation, tenacity, problem solving, and even confidence.


When youngsters learn to code, they get the ability to recover from failure. They learn that failure isn’t always a negative thing, and that it may frequently be beneficial because it acts as a learning opportunity. One of the most essential reasons why youngsters should code is that they will rapidly discover that ‘debugging’ their code is half the pleasure.Coding enables youngsters to attempt and try again until they succeed and get the desired outcome.

The following are some of the most significant reasons why coding is important from young age to learn-

1. Coding improves school and academic achievement.

Children who learn to code can improve and develop many aspects of their academic curriculum, including arithmetic, writing, and creativity. It can also help them gain confidence in school or other social situations.

2. Coding isn’t just about computers

A computer powers practically every gadget we deal with on a regular basis in modern life. Whether it’s a smartphone, a home appliance, a cash machine, or a traffic signal system when crossing the street.
It’s not only about computers, laptops, gaming consoles, or tablets.

We feel it is critical for youngsters to realize that someone has developed coding instructions for computers to assist us with everyday obstacles and activities. This will assist your youngster in seeing the possibilities for how coding and technology may address problems in the future.

3. Creates New Career Opportunities

Coding is a valuable skill that may lead to a variety of professional prospects. If your child excels at it, he has already laid the groundwork for a successful future profession. Coding is a necessary ability that is getting increasingly vital over time. Not knowing how to code will be akin to not knowing how to read in a few years.

“The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job openings for software developers are slated to grow 21 percent between 2018 and 2028 — that’s more than four times the average rate for all careers.”

With the world increasingly moving toward digitization, even the tiniest firms require workers with strong computational skills to operate their online platforms. As a result, those who know how to code or have a reasonable level of computational expertise will have an advantage in the future and even today.

4.Coding aids in the development of key soft skills.

When your child begins to learn to code, they will encounter increasingly complicated procedures and issues. As students write more complex code, they should naturally enhance their attention and organizational abilities. Coding can also assist them in improving their resilience and communication skills.

5. Coding helps with math and logical problem solving.

Coding is recognized to help students see more abstract topics in an enjoyable style that allows them to apply mathematics to real-life problem solving. Computer science and coding are more than just writing code to solve or accomplish tasks. It is also about logical problem-solving utilizing the fundamentals of mathematics.

It is reasonable to expect that the future will be more technologically sophisticated, with many areas of our life becoming digitalized. Sensors, microchips, and other technological aspects may be found in contemporary children’s toys. It is becoming increasingly vital for us to become acquainted with new technology, and it will become much more critical for the future generation. Teaching your child this language at a young age will help them take up concepts more easily as they get older.
Yes, learning to code prepares your child for potentially lucrative job choices, but it also provides youngsters with so much more.

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